Our new airfield is currently awaiting council approval.

Champions !
15 y/old Wilffie Harvey (second from right} of SMF was selected, along with 4 others around Australia, to compete in Korea later in the year for the FAI FPV World Championships. FPV Racing is relatively new to SMF & is attracting increasing attention.
Over the years SMF has had a number of pilots reach World Ranking status.

Best mates...
It's not just all about the flying. The RC community is a sharing/caring lot who are into long term friendships with a bunch of like minded people. SMF is proud to be part of the wider community of Coolum Beach on the beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Have a go.....
"Have a go" is an initiative to get budding RC pilots started. New pilots are given 4 free lessons with an Accredited Instructor. After this you are able to join SMF, and advance your flying skills. If RC is not your thing that's OK you are free to walk away knowing you have "given it a go"